Mindset Transformation for Global Quality Operations

Global Quality Operations, a team of more than 5,000 people worldwide, was viewed as having a compliance-only focus by the wider organization and manufacturing network. This global team had a reputation for being the “factory police” versus a resource and true business partner who brought competence and added long-term value in the plants. Leaders wanted a strategy that would enable the creation of a new mindset about Global Quality Operations tied to the larger company vision. We were asked to create and execute an OCM plan and accompanying communications strategy to support the mindset transformation.
Our Approach
We started with a discovery and fact-finding process that included interviewing members of the organization to understand the current state and the real perception issues embedded in the team culture. Our key findings enabled the development of an OCM approach focused on creating opportunities for clear and meaningful messaging to members of the Quality team first, and later cascading those same key messages to the wider corporate audience. Utilizing a “personality” campaign that helped to define the global team’s “DNA,” we incorporated a new mission, vision, and values aimed at creating a new normal and new way of thinking about the Quality Operations. We connected the organization to every part of the business by creating and promoting Quality Success Stories that brought the work of the organization to life, enabling others to see and understand the value. A key part of our OCM strategy was to utilized leaders in the organization as “Quality Ambassadors” who were given a toolkit that enabled them to easily cascade key messages and deliver inspirational change stories.
Examples of Tactics
Launched an internal “DNA” campaign to define and promote the team’s mission, vision, and values.
Launched a series of Ambassador Roadshows to help leaders to promote a Quality mindset.
Produced a quarterly letter from leadership to cascade key messages.
Revamped the team’s intranet.
Created and managed a “Quality Matters” teleconference with middle managers as a way for the leadership team to connect with visible and influential managers who could then cascade information to their own teams.
Created an annual Quality Week Celebration event to increase pride and highlight accomplishments.
Produced Success Stories to share with the organization and featured them at the leadership conference.
Instituted a Quality Moment that was delivered at the beginning of each team meeting.
Created a toolkit for leaders to increase their comfort level with the key messages about the new Quality organization.
Launched a branded recognition program that enabled employees to recognize their colleagues for Quality Behaviors.
Our OCM strategy provided a solid foundation for top line leaders and middle management to focus on the right messages at the right time, significantly helping to change attitudes, behaviors, and culture within Quality Operations. Over time and periodic measurement via interviews, surveys, and stakeholder analysis, we were able to show visible results through enhanced engagement, performance (KPIs), and organizational pride.